Blog Gaelic

Daily Gaelic Verb

I decided to reinstate the Daily Gaelic Verb highlighted on my website as it is now getting to be summer. Summer is the time for action, it is a verby […]

Blog Gaelic Music Nature Poetry

“Pilgrimage for a Pint” Radio Programme

I just got sent the link today for a programme produced by Lewis Harrower that features Knoydart and an epic journey to The Old Forge pub. I won’t reveal any […]

Blog Music Poetry

New Album Coming Soon!

I’ve got an announcement! I am going to release my new album this Friday! Short notice I know but I got a burst of inspiration over the last couple of […]

Blog Musings Nature

Back on the trails again

I thought I’d put a quick post up on here. Sorry for the lack of updates but it’s been a busy time as I have now returned to Knoydart for […]


A Gem from the Tape Archive

I just recently discovered a tape that had been in storage for a long time and was pleasantly surprised to find that it had some of the earliest recordings I […]

Blog Gaelic

Alea Evangelii – Canon Tables

Here I will give a little introduction to what I believe is a key element of the Alea Evangelii game I’ve been working on as a project. In fact it […]

Blog Gaelic

Alea Evangelii – The Event

On Thursday last week, which also happened to coincide with Thanksgiving, the Alea Evangelii event I posted about previously took place. I’m very grateful to everyone who came along and […]

Blog Gaelic Making Philosophy

Alea Evangelii

I added a new event on the website as the project I’ve been working on for nearly a year is coming to fruition. The event will be an opportunity to […]

Blog Nature

A wee update – My Knoydart Experience

I really have not been very good at doing blog posts recently have I?! I apologise for leaving you all like this but I’ve been somewhat occupied over the summer. […]

Blog Gaelic Nature Poetry

COP26 Glasgow Poetry Event

I’ve got some very exciting news that I can finally share with the wider world! After a year of planning and waiting a poetry event that I’m organising is going […]

Blog Music

Preserving My Tape Archive

Recently I went through a load of my stuff as I was moving out of my flat in Leith and in the process I rediscovered my collection of tapes which […]

Blog Mental Health Music Musings Nature

Living in Harmony with Nature

It is becoming increasingly clear to me how important the idea of harmony is in so many ways. I’ve been reading a book on chemistry recently and this has confirmed […]

Blog Mental Health Musings Nature Philosophy Psychology

Bealltainn 2021

Take in a deep breath. Let it out and just pause for a moment. The present is filled with the power of new possibilities. We are not who we were […]


March Update

It’s been a while since I wrote anything for my blog, but I assure you that I have been as busy as ever. Since the New Year I’ve been doing […]

Blog Music Politics Technology

Consultation on Music Streaming

The UK Parliament Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee are asking for responses to a consultation on music streaming in order to inform future policy changes. This is extremely important […]