Blog Gaelic Nature Poetry

COP26 Glasgow Poetry Event

I’ve got some very exciting news that I can finally share with the wider world! After a year of planning and waiting a poetry event that I’m organising is going to be part of the COP26 Climate Change conference in Glasgow this November. Firstly I have to say that this would probably never happened if it weren’t for a number of fortuitous connections I made over lockdown which led me to be involved with a group with the working title of Possible Dialogues. But more on this later…

The event which will be at 10:30am on the 6th of November in the Green Zone is featuring three Scottish poets: Roseanne Watt, Donald S. Murray and Pàdraig MacAoidh. It is entitled “Weathering the Storm: Scottish Poets Discuss Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation”. They are all going to be reading their work with a particular focus on the effect of climate change on the land and communities they are from which include the islands of Lewis and Shetland. After the readings we will have time for a discussion and questions and answers at the end. I am really looking forward to it and I get a front row seat as the chair of the event!

I’ll be posting about this more over the coming weeks particularly on social media as the COP draws ever closer. The programme is now available to check out on the COP26 website and the tickets, which are going to be free, will also be available on the same website soon.

By DrewMcN

Drew McNaughton is a poet and musician with a passion for nature and languages.

6 replies on “COP26 Glasgow Poetry Event”

Halò Drew! We enjoyed your event – which also brought back memories of you reading a poem at a Christmas in Shiplake many years ago. Well done in organising this reading and discussion. We also enjoyed your reading of Gaelic poetry. Best wishes. Chris & Janet

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