Three Scottish poets, Roseanne Watt from Shetland, with Pàdraig MacAoidh and Donald S. Murray, both from Lewis, will give readings of their work which reflects the challenges faced by island communities due to climate change and the ecological degradation it causes. They also represent the diverse linguistic traditions of the Scottish islands which have persisted to this day despite many hardships and offer an insight into their unique form of resilience. The readings will be in English, Scottish Gaelic and Shetlandic with accompanying text for the English speaking and D/deaf audience members. We wish to extend a warm welcome to all of the delegates and visitors to the COP especially to the indigenous peoples from around the world and hope that you will be able to attend. Ceud mìle fàilte! The event is chaired by Drew McNaughton, poet and former events coordinator for the Scottish Poetry Library and committee member of Seachdain na Gàidhlig. We are grateful for the support of the Gaelic Books Council, Scottish Book Trust and Scottish Poetry Library. This event is also one of a number that have emerged out of Possible Dialogues, a collaboration between artists and indigenous people from Colombia and Scotland.