Blog Music Musings

Another Friend

I just read the news that David Lynch passed. RIP David. His movies and TV shows were quite an obsession of mine when I was a teenager, something about their dark imaginings and fantasy about what my life might have been like if I had stayed in the USA grabbed me.

I found a track I did on a tape in my cassette archive a while ago now and did a bit of tweaking of it with some music software. Not much by the sounds of it but maybe enough to hold the ear of a contemporary listener considering I made it in my younger years. Also it is one of the few tracks I made where I play the saxophone over the majority of it. Somehow I managed to overlay a number of tracks, probably by doing over-dubs as I don’t think I had a 4-track at that time, although I may be wrong because I did borrow one at some point around then.

Just a warning: there are some very creepy and disturbing sounds on the track. Don’t have it too loud and remember none of it is real. Mr. Lynch had the magical ability to make you believe it was. Hope you are somewhere light now, David.

By DrewMcN

Drew McNaughton is a poet and musician with a passion for nature and languages.

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